6 Must Know Facts Related to Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is an intimidating term for men. Unfortunately, 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with this type of cancer in his lifetime!

Here are some crucial factors you should be aware of prostate cancer:

1. Small Yet Powerful

Shaped like a walnut, prostate is a gland inside male reproductive system. The cancer of prostate starts here. Although small in size, the importance of prostate cannot be denied. It regulates flow of urine and produces semen.

2. Healthy Lifestyle can Help Reduce your Risk

Following a healthy lifestyle will help you to keep the prostate healthy. In case, you are diagnosed, it will also help you to fight off prostate cancer. So make sure you exercise regularly and maintain healthy weight. Eat a plant-based diet. Restrict animal products as far as you can. Doctors recommend a heart-healthy diet to maintain a healthy prostate. In case, you smoke, stop it immediately.

3. Early Detection Saves Life

As with every cancer, early detection is key to complete recovery. It is revealed that catching the disease at an early stage can help men live longer and healthier. Keep a check on family history, symptoms, and discuss about your risk with the best robotic surgeons for prostate. This will help you to plan some tests for the disease.

4. A Common Type of Cancer

Prostate cancer is a common type of cancer. It is also the second leading cause of cancer death especially among American men.

5. Prostate Cancer Testing Controversy

Make sure you have a detailed discussion with your doctor to make an informed decision. The testing is very simple and includes a blood test—the PSA (prostate specific antigen) test. Some patients may also have to go through a DRE (gigital rectal exam). 

6. Fight Off

There are a number of ways to join the big fight against prostate cancer. You can start by spread awareness locally. Start participating in community events, fundraisers in your zone and have an open and honest discussion with loved ones about the disease. The idea is to end it together.


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