Benefits of PVP Greenlight Laser over the Traditional TURP

PVP green light laser is an advanced treatment option available for enlarged prostate. It effectively treats symptoms related to urinary tract resulting from BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).

The technique involves the use of a special laser and scope combination device. Surgeon inserts this device into the urethra that travels through penis tip. As soon as the device locates the prostate surrounding the urethra, green light laser is used by surgeons to remove affected prostate tissue obstructing flow of urine. This laser emits very high energy which readily gets absorbed by blood present in the prostate. Thereafter, the tissue is vaporized. Since this laser seals blood vessels under treatment area, there is less loss of blood.

Benefits of Green Light Laser for Treating Enlarged Prostate

Also referred to as photosensitive vaporization of the prostate, PVP greenlight laser  for enlarged prostate ensures several advantages over traditional transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), a frequently used procedure for treating BPH.

Listed below are the best benefits of using green light laser instead of TURP for BPH:

Less Bleeding
- There is very less risk of bleeding with the green light laser procedure. This is definitely a good benefit for all men. The method is especially recommended over TURP to those with a bleeding disorder or who have been on blood thinners.

Fewer Urinary Symptoms – It is observed that men who undergo green light laser for prostate experience significant decrease in symptoms of urinary tract overnight. On the other hand, it takes many weeks together or even longer for those who have undergone TURP.

Less Swelling
- Green light laser technique is preferred for enlarged prostate by most medical experts these days as it results in much less swelling than the conventional TURP

Affordable - According to a recent meta-analysis conducted in Spain, it was revealed that the overall cost of green light laser for prostate was way less as compared to TURP. This is mainly due to the “shorter inpatient stay length”. This tends to offset the overall cost of the latest technology.

Less Retrograde Ejaculation Risk
- The risk of developing retrograde ejaculation is reduced to a significant amount with green light laser as compared to TURP.

Shorter Hospital Stay - The need for hospitalization is very short as compared to the TURP treatment technique. In some cases, men leave for home the same day of procedure.

Faster Recovery
- Usually, men tend to recover faster from green light laser treatment as compared to TURP. Also the requirement for catheter use after green light laser procedure is only less than 24 hours. On the other hand, TURP will require longer time.

The Procedure

The surgery starts with inserting a fine telescope down the penis. This telescope goes straight into the urethra, the tube that drains urine from bladder to the penis. The instrument helps surgeon examine the bladder, urethra, and prostate in detail. Once the prostate has been thoroughly inspected, the doctor will use GreenLight Laser for vaporising enlarged prostate tissue.

Towards the end of surgery, a urinary catheter, a soft plastic tube is placed within the urethra. This helps with urine drain from the bladder. The doctor will allow the catheter to stay in place for around six hours. In some cases, it is left in place until the morning after the surgery.

The entire procedure will take around an hour. Towards the end of the procedure, the patient will get transferred to recovery ward. Here, the nurses will keep a watch on patient for around an hour or so. Thereafter, the patient will be transferred back to the ward.

Patients who are given spinal anaesthetic will be awake yet a little drowsy. Doctors usually advise patients to remain still whilst the operation is being taken place. The patient does not feel any pain during the operation. However, it is common to feel some amount of numbness or heaviness in the legs for many hours after the operation.


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