Understanding the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer does not give any warning signs, especially during the early stage. Once the tumor swelling in the prostate gland or spreads beyond the prostate, the individual may experience the following symptoms:

- A frequent urge to urinate, especially at night
- Trouble starting a stream of urine
- Trouble stopping a stream of urine
- A very weak or interrupted stream of urine
- Leaking of urine especially when laughing or coughing
- Inability to urinate standing up
- An apparent painful or burning sensation during urination
- Burning or pain sensation while ejaculating
- Blood in urine
- Blood in semen

The above listed are not solely symptoms of the cancer. These may also be caused by other conditions such as the blockage from the growth of cancer in the prostate or an enlarged, noncancerous prostate.

The symptoms may also be a sign of urinary tract infection.

Symptoms of Advanced Prostate Cancer

Dull, deep pain or stiffness in the pelvis, lower back, ribs, or upper thighs; pain in the bones of those areas
Loss of weight
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Swelling in the lower extremities
- Weakness or paralysis in lower limbs (this is usually followed with constipation)

When to Call the Doctor

You should immediately call the doctor for Prostate Cancer under the following circumstances:

- You face trouble urinating
- You experience pain while urinating
- Urinating is different from normal
- Top robotic surgeons for prostate should examine prostate gland to determine whether it is enlarged, cancerous, or inflamed with an infection.
- You experience chronic pain in your lower back.
- You are disturbed by chronic pain in pelvis, bones, and upper thighbones.
- You have experienced unexplained weight loss.
- You have swelling in legs.
- You experience weakness in legs.
- You have difficulty walking with constipation.


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