6 Ways to Prevent Chances of Developing Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is known to be the second most common cancer among men in the United States. It is sad but true that 1 in 9 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. As men age; this risk increases.

Prevention is better than prostate cancer treatment. Here are some health tips that can help you decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer:

1. Enjoy your Cup of Coffee

Did you know your indulgence in coffee can decrease the risk of fatal prostate cancer? Studies have revealed that drinking around 4-5 cups of coffee daily can reduce your risk of developing fatal and high-grade prostate cancer. Boiled coffee is the best way to lower risk of prostate cancer. Coffee comprises of chemicals such as kahweol and cafestol which have cancer-fighting abilities.

2. No Smoking

Abstaining from smoking is a good idea as it can prevent you from developing cancer. According to studies, individuals with prostate cancer who smoke are more vulnerable to have a recurrence of the disease. It is also revealed that smokers are at higher risk of dying from this cancer. So quit smoking as soon as possible.

3. Switch to Healthy Fats

According to a study conducted in 2014, a link between animal fats and increased risk of developing prostate cancer was revealed. Apart from meat, animal fats are also found in butter, cheese, and lard. Hence, it is better to replace animal-based fats with plant-based fats. You may use olive oil instead of butter.

4. Skip Dairy

Studies have linked dairy products (food sources high in calcium) to an increased risk of prostate cancer. Skipping or minimizing dairy can be helpful in keeping the risk of developing cancer.

5. Speak to your Doctor

Make sure you speak to your doctor about your risk of developing prostate cancer. Also let the doctor know if you observe some symptoms such as any discomfort in pelvic or rectal areas, difficulty urinating, or blood in semen/urine.

6. Get Moving

One of the major risks of developing prostate cancer is being obese (overweight). Regular exercise will help you maintain a healthy body weight. It will help you increase muscle mass and boost metabolism. You may try walking, bicycling, swimming, and/or running.


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