5 Tips to Recover Better from Prostate Surgery

Prostate removal or prostatectomy is a major cancer surgery. It may take many weeks for a patient to recover completely from the treatment. Recovery will also depend on several factors such as complexity of surgery and overall health.

Patience and keeping a watchful eye on the outcome will help you recover faster. Here are some tips to help you a quicker, faster and complete recovery:

1. Plan Ahead of Surgery

Patients are not allowed to drive immediately after a prostatectomy. Hence, it is important to arrange for a ride to and from the hospital. Discuss about the restrictions with your surgeon and arrange for assistance accordingly. You should also arrange for assistance at home for helping you to cook and do other household chores.

2. Abide By Doctor’s Instructions

Most prostate cancer surgeons complain that their patients fail to adhere to their after-surgery instructions which delays recovery. It is important to follow all post-surgery instructions carefully. Follow all recommendations related to lifestyle, diet, exercise, follow-up tests, checkups, and medications. Make sure you inform your doctor about any concerns between appointments.

3. Take Rest

You must take plenty of rest. However, make sure you do not overdo. Try increasing your day to day activities gradually. Get up and walk around at least 4-6 times daily. This will help you resume to normal activities within 10 days. Complete recovery and return to full activity will happen within 3-4 weeks.

4. Additional Therapy

You should look for signs of prostate. Go for tests if doctor prescribes. The test results will determine if you need additional therapies such as a radiation or hormone therapy to remove all traces of cancer. This is also important to prevent the cancer from coming back.

5. Treat Constipation

Your bowel movement may slow down due to anesthesia doses, pain medication, and reduced activity levels. Make sure you drink several glasses of water each day, walk more and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Strictly avoid straining yourself to have a bowel movement. You may speak to your doctor to recommend you a safe laxative or stool softener.


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