Why See an Urologist – Reasons you should not Delay meeting a Urologist

Personal issues are best discussed with a primary care doctor with who one shared an established relationship. At least, this is what most people feel. However, sometimes what you feel or comfortable at is not the right decision. It is wise to take the professional route regardless of how uncomfortable it may get.

Urologists are professionals specializing in issues of the urinary tract of the male and female and male reproductive organs. They also see a variety of conditions ranging from infections of the urinary tract to overactive bladder, kidney stones, and interstitial cystitis. These specialists also handle cases involving cancers of prostate, kidney, and bladder.

Knowing your Urologist

These specialists hold expertise in treating conditions affecting the urinary tract. According to health experts, you should not ignore urinary issues and must make an appointment with a urologist on an immediate basis. For instance, if you have been concerned about incontinence of late, it is time to see a urologist. The same goes for women. Leaking urine is definitely not a normal part of life. Seeing a doctor can save your life.

Urologists treat diseases of the kidneys, urethra, and bladder in men and women. These are highly trained urological surgeons. They may use medications and surgery as a part of the treatment approach for urological problems as per the demand of the situation and severity of the condition.  They also serve as cancer surgeons and treat cancer of testis, prostate, urinary bladder, and kidneys. Sexual disorders such as male infertility and erectile dysfunction are also handled by urologists.

What do Urologists Treat?

The best urologist will treat the following health conditions in men and women:

- Issues concerning with urinary tract, including obstruction
- BPH in men
- Enlarged prostate in men
- Urinary Retention in men
- Ureteral obstruction resulting from ovarian cancer, rectal cancer, colorectal cancer, kidney stones, etc.
- Prevention and medical management of kidney stones
- Nephrolithiasis (Kidney Stones)
- Surgical management of kidney stones such as ureteroscopy, lithotripsy, PCNL etc.
- Adrenal masses, adrenal cancers, tumors
- Kidney masses
- Renal cancer
- Renal cysts
- Bladder cancer
- Prostate cancer in men
- Cancer of upper tract urothelial
- Testicular cancer in men
- Premature ejaculation
- Sexual disorders such as erectile dysfunction, poor erections, impotence etc.
- Hypogonadism (issue of low testosterone) in men
- Priapism (prolonged erection)
- Endocrine disorders
- Infertility in men
- Cushings syndrome
- Hyperaldosteronoma
- Urinary incontinence
- Pheochromocytoma
- Stress and urge incontinence in women
- Daytime incontinence and nocturnal incontinence
- Undescended testis

What Urologists Suggest?

Men and women having blood in the urine is a dangerous symptom which should not be ignored. This may also be an early warning sign of underlying issues such as kidney cancer, bladder problems, or kidney stones. Even if it is the first time, contact the urologist in your area. Strictly avoid waiting till the blood goes away.

All men should undergo have an annual prostate exam once they reach the age of 50. Consult a urologist if something abnormal or elevated/altered PSA level is detected, consult a urologist. Men with any kind of mass, nodule, or firmness of the testicle or facing persistent pain lasting longer than a week must consult a specialist soon.


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