BPH and Benign Enlargement of :should you treat it or let it be?

BPH and Benign Enlargement of or benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlargement of the prostate gland which is not cancerous as suggested by the word benign written in the disease name. BPH mainly causes an obstruction in the passage of urine and this can lead to a severe problem if the prostate enlargement is of that extent. About 50 percent of males over age fifty usually develop this disease but most of them do not require surgery. Symptoms that you might see in a person suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia The symptoms that might make you go for the tests are: 1. Frequent urination: the pressure of the enlarged prostate on your urethra causes more frequent urination. 2. Difficulty urinating: the bladder muscles suffer the worst in this case and need to do extra work to release the urine as there isn’t much of it to excrete this causes a sensation of difficulty in passing urine. 3. Inability to pass urine: if the p...